Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary school to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough learning practical skills. Do you agree or disagree.

Education is one of the most important parts of our lives, and people have a big debate about focusing too much on theoretical facts
of getting enough practice.
it can be asserted that learning practical skills should be prioritized, I believe there are many disadvantages that outweigh the advantages. In
essay, I will explain my point of view by analyzing both sides of the argument. There are several reasons why students need to practice more in school and at an institute. The first reason is that education should be interesting, and solving real-life problems can make it more engaging. It is
true that many employees are not prepared enough to start their first job.
For instance
, when I finished my institute as a teacher, I did not know how to keep student’s attention in the classroom or how to speak with parents properly. So, I had a mentor for that first year. I believe that it is
important to make connections with companies and find opportunities to work before graduation. Others, who claim that theoretical studies should be prioritized, take the different stage.
, it is said that students have to learn how to study independently.
For example
, if they do not know how to use books appropriately, they can lose a lot of knowledge and be
not able
Correct word choice
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to cope with unknown situations without any help.
, there is too much information to learn and, unfortunately, we all have no time to
Unnecessary verb
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Correct article usage
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Change preposition
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, it is very important to see the world
Change preposition
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different points of view.
That is
why we have different subjects to learn. In conclusion,
there are strong arguments on both sides, my personal opinion is that there is an ideal proposition between theoretical and practical skills. I would highly recommend focusing on the quality of education
of type.
Submitted by dulskywork on

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Consider elaborating more on your examples and arguments to add depth to your points. This will make your essay more convincing and comprehensive.
task achievement
Strengthen your conclusion by summarizing the main points discussed in your essay. This will provide a clearer and more impactful end to your argument.
coherence and cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to enhance the logical flow of your ideas. Using linking phrases can improve coherence and cohesion.
You provided a balanced overview by discussing both sides of the argument, which is essential in argumentative essays.
coherence and cohesion
The essay contains a clear introduction and conclusion, giving it a well-rounded structure.
task achievement
Your use of personal experience as an example adds authenticity and relevance to your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • dual learning systems
  • theoretical knowledge
  • practical application
  • project-based learning
  • real-world scenarios
  • retention
  • soft skills
  • communication
  • teamwork
  • problem-solving
  • curriculum
  • fact memorization
  • integrate technology
  • coding
  • digital literacy
  • assessment methods
  • portfolios
  • practical demonstrations
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