Some say that in the 21st century, there must not be zoos where animal species are kept in a human-made place.
essay totally agrees with Linking Words
statement because it is cruel to keep an animal in a confined space and nature programs allow us to view Linking Words
without the need of a zoo.
Use synonyms
is awful to keep Linking Words
in tiny places with little space for movement. The species must have a large place because in nature Use synonyms
are always in movement and it stands in their genetics. Use synonyms
As a result
, if we limit these needs, they probably feel sick and have disease. Linking Words
For example
, my cat Pushok really loves to go outside for walks. When I have no time and he has no way to go, he stands in front of a window with sad eyes and loses his appetite for a long.
To view and study Linking Words
we have many nature programs on TV and videos on YouTube. For that reason, we do not really need to see Use synonyms
to explore them and it prevents the government from spending a lot of money to finance Use synonyms
zoo. Linking Words
For example
, the eagle was liberated from a zoo in Almaty, and Linking Words
incident had many views around the world. Because of eagle was a camera people who were interested in Linking Words
things, easily explored how eagles fly and how many meters above the earth they can fly.
In conclusion, Linking Words
must live in freedom without being kept in tiny places and we can see them without going to Use synonyms
a place.Linking Words