At the present time, thepopulation of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

era, the population in certain countries consists of younger
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than older
. Some
consider it as an advantage whilst others disagree with it.
essay will analyse both the notions in the ensuing paragraphs.
, young populations can be regarded as a nation's assets. A large number of youth is directly proportional to more workforce. A country with more number of working population leads to higher productivity and more opportunities. Let us consider the example of China and India, where the majority of individuals fall under the category of youth. These countries are exhibiting an enormous increase in their GDP in the
few years. China is the 2nd largest economy in the world behind the USA,
India ranks 1st in the world growing economy category.
In addition
to the economic benefits, countries can excel in other disciplines
as arts,sports and games.
On the other hand
, an increased number of young
can cause harm to nations in the near future. Once these young generations of today, will retire from their jobs in future,
may produce a vacuum in the job market, which can negatively impact the development of a country. More older
will necessitate the authorities to construct more aged care facilities and increase government expenditure on healthcare facilities.
According to
the latest reports, it is predicted that Australia will have a bigger proportion of aged
by 2040. In order to tackle
situation the government is spending a huge amount on the respective care facilities. In conclusion,
according to
my opinion, the advantages
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the disadvantages. Since the problem is occurring only in future, the governing bodies will get sufficient time to develop a solution
Submitted by sachin.jose0206 on

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