Aircraft have been increasingly used to transport fruit and vegetables to some countries where such plants hardly grow or are out of season. Some people consider it a good idea, but some people oppose itDiscuss both views and give your opinion.

It has become more common for
to be used to send agricultural
to some nations with poor harvests.
are optimistic about
trend, others have some reasons against it. I support the former view, for it can promote the health of
when they are able to access various kinds of
regardless of potential concern for air pollution with the increase of flights. On the one hand, it is advantageous for
to have various choices of food despite their living places when fresh fruits and vegetables are transported by
In other words
are able to maintain their health without worrying about their shortage
due to
a particular geographical condition which is not suitable for their growth.
For instance
in Africa remain well-fed thanks to plenty of bananas and tomatoes transported by air from Western countries in spite of their extensive desert, which is hostile to the growth of agricultural
are able to gain different minerals and nutrients from these foods, which are essential to sustain their lives, reducing the poverty and mortality rate.
On the other hand
, there is a potential side effect from an environmental perspective since the rise of
leads to growing air pollution. Indeed, an incredible amount of gas and harmful chemicals are emitted from airplanes which often travel long distances to carry fruits and vegetables.
, the growing level of
pollutants is the very culprit for the rising temperature, which has become a serious issue in modern society as the global temperature increased by 0.1 degrees Celsius each year since the 1900s.
, the reliance on
for sending food to particular regions would only escalate the environmental problem, making the Earth a more difficult place to live for future generations. In conclusion, I agree that the use of flights to provide food to some countries should be promoted to ensure the good physical condition of those who are not able to obtain a sufficient amount of agricultural
, the growing chemicals emitted from aeroplanes can damage the environment, contributing to the rise of global temperature, which makes it more difficult for countries to decide what they should do to save others.
Submitted by mizuho on

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coherence cohesion
You have a clear and comprehensive introduction and conclusion which frame the essay well.
task response
Your essay provides a balanced discussion of both views and includes relevant examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Logical structure and easy-to-follow argumentation make this essay a strong response to the task.
task response
You effectively address the potential health benefits and environmental drawbacks, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • supply chain
  • carbon footprint
  • import/export
  • perishable goods
  • agricultural sustainability
  • consumer preferences
  • global trade
  • economic growth
  • market demand
  • local produce
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