Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organiasation. why might this be case what could be the disadvantages of being self-employed

These days, many
opt to work independently rather than work for a company or organization. They make
decision for various reasons.
, I believe that being self-employed could be disadvantageous in some aspects of life. One reason why people prefer to work for themselves is that it provides them with flexibility and the ability to pursue their own goals.
For example
, freelancers can achieve significant milestones in their careers without having to answer to managers or administrations. If they earn a better profit, it benefits them directly, rather than a company or corporation. Another reason is that self-employed
can manage their time more flexibly, allowing them to allocate more time to family gatherings, relationships, and leisure activities.
For instance
, my brother, who is a self-employed programmer, spends considerable time on leisure activities
of commuting to
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, being self-employed has its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the lack of job security.
For instance
, since self-employed
do not receive a regular salary, they are solely responsible for managing financial difficulties. They must always have savings to deal with
, self-employed
may miss out on the professional atmosphere of a workplace, which means they might lose opportunities for networking and communication with experts in their field.
For instance
, they might not be informed about cutting-edge technology in their careers. In conclusion,
being self-employed offers benefits
as flexibility in pursuing personal goals, it
has setbacks like a lack of job security. I believe that governments can take action to address these issues,
as providing access to insurance and retirement savings for self-employed
Submitted by sarasadeghi74 on

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You have effectively outlined the reasons why people choose to be self-employed and discussed the disadvantages, which shows a good understanding of the topic.
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