A friend has invited you to a party, but you are busy on the day it's being held. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: • Apologise for not being able to attend. • Explain why you're busy. • Invite your friend to do something else with you. Write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter with: Dear ...

Dear friend, Hoping you are doing well I am writing
letter in order to inform you that an unexpected situation appeared at my job. I am terribly sorry for that, but I have to announce to you that I will not be able anymore to come to the party you invited me
To begin
with, my boss made me to come
Change preposition
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the office on Sunday. You know how much I enjoy the weekends, but he was really strict about
Remove the comma
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because in our company will be an important meeting with the “Marketing” team, so all of us must be in the office when they present their new project.
, I as an accountant should analyse if it will be supported by the current budget.
, if you are free next Saturday let’s meet together in our favourite restaurant and enjoy
Remove the article
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their new menu. I heard that it
includes delicious vegan options. I’m waiting for your response. Lots of love, your friend.
Submitted by nicolletameriacri on

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single idea per paragraph
Make sure each paragraph covers only one main idea. For instance, separate the apology and the explanation of why you can't attend into distinct sections to improve clarity.
coherence cohesion
Clarify minor grammatical issues and sentence structure to further improve your letter. For example, 'my boss made me to come' should be 'my boss asked me to come' or 'my boss required me to come'.
task achievement
You have addressed all parts of the task effectively: apologizing, providing an explanation, and proposing an alternative plan.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is friendly and appropriate for writing to a friend, which suits the task well.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing of your letter are well-done and add to the overall coherence.
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