Some people think that universities should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give more practical training throughout their courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Nowadays, some people argue that universities should give more attention to practical training rather than theoretical
throughout their courses. I especially agree with
statement and
essay will provide both situations. On the one hand, practical training can have various benefits for college
because it would make them more productive and remember faster
as experiments in the laboratory.
, when becoming a college student, they might choose a career
that is
suited for them,
who have been training a lot would gain more experience that can deployed for attending their job in the future.
For example
, my sister studies in the faculty of art, and she said that professors in her classes usually train them to create artwork to become an artist in the future.
In addition
, the university would provide more training on their main courses to make them have a better improvement.
On the other hand
, theoretical
was required at every level of education and it has too much detail on it
as the theory of modern physics, gas, and electrical.
, universities that mention too much
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theoretical that sometimes make it unnecessary for
to learn during their classes,
, it might be difficult for pupils to remember all of the details and it can be boring for some people that not interested in it.
For instance
, during my mathematics classes, the teacher always elaborated on how the theory or concept was developed
Remove the comma
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did the practice questions in the next class.
, colleges should provide theoretical
that fits their student needs. In conclusion, I believe that universities should include more practical training in their courses, and give theoretical
appropriately to make their
more effective.
Submitted by napatnp18065322 on

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Try to refine the way you express your ideas to make them clearer. For example, in the introduction, you mention that the essay will "provide both situations," but actually you mainly discuss the benefits of practical training and the drawbacks of too much theoretical knowledge. Make sure this is clear from the start.
Ensure examples directly support your arguments and are well-integrated into the essay. You mention your sister studying art and your own mathematics class, but these examples could be more clearly tied to the point you're making.
Your conclusion effectively summarizes your points and aligns with your overall argument.
The essay overall has a logical flow, and paragraphs are organized with a clear focus.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • theoretical knowledge
  • practical training
  • balanced approach
  • real-world skills
  • foundation
  • apply knowledge
  • field of study
  • collaborate
  • industry
  • hands-on experience
  • employability
  • job readiness
  • interests
  • career goals
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