The chart below give the number of people employed in five types of work in a certain region in Australia in 2001 and 2008.

The chart below give the number of people employed in five types of work in a certain region in Australia in 2001 and 2008.
The presented bar chart compares data about how many people were employed in 5 various jobs in Australia's district at two different times( 2001 and 2008).
, It was important that the trends of all occupations except forming and accounting climbed;
, Sales popularity
in contrast
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, which was the less crucial career.
According to
the graph, in the beginning, Sales, which were the best work with the highest number, was 155,000;
it improved moderately and reached nearly 170,000 in 2008.
Accounting, the second
in 2001 at 60,000, dipped slightly and hit less than 60,000. The Next
was Computering. It was 52,000 in 2001;
, it increased somewhat and touched 65,000 in 2008. The diagram demonstrates that Nursing, which had the same number as the prior
in 2001, jumped and scored the figure, which was equal to the number in accounting in 2008. The
was farming, which had the same as accounting fashion owing to the fact it was upper 20,000 after that declined to 19,000.
Submitted by maryamkazemi968 on

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