Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated to scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Many believe that too many financial and time resources are dedicated to scientific research. I strongly disagree with
statement since studying chemicals and processes promotes better living conditions.
, many individuals could lose their jobs if funding for experiments gets cut. The society needs to keep evolving and learning about the environment around us. Scientists spend their days searching for ways to make other's life easier. Their work provides people with new items,
as medicine, preservatives, explosives, and more. Throughout history, they have invented various ways to make everyday life easier and more efficient.
For instance
, German chemists found ways to use petroleum to speed up trains and create plastic, which is used to produce bottles and bags. If we stop expanding our knowledge, the development of our species will slow down significantly. Science is a broad field that provides jobs for thousands of specialists. It requires huge amounts of money to fund experiments and pay the workers. Because of that, by reducing financial resources for science, many experts will be left with no income.
, people will remain jobless and unable to provide for their families.
For example
, recent research concluded that many working in
field are severely underpaid. Taking funds away from research will
To conclude
, I strongly believe no resources should be cut from scientific experiments because scientists work towards a better future by developing unique items and materials. Cutting down funds would result in many of them being jobless.
Submitted by evijavidemane on

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coherence and cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear central topic and that all sentences within the paragraph support this topic. The second paragraph is well-focused on the importance of scientific research for societal advancement, but it could benefit from being more specific. Consider including more concrete examples to illustrate the positive impact of scientific research.
task achievement
To achieve a higher score, use a wider range of vocabulary and avoid repetition. Employing more varied sentence structures would also enhance the essay's readability.
introduction conclusion
Your introduction effectively outlines your viewpoint and sets the stage for your argument, providing a clear stance on the topic.
introduction conclusion
You have included a conclusion that summarizes your main points, reinforcing your argument and ensuring the essay feels complete.
logical structure
Your essay contains clear, logical progression of ideas, making it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allocated
  • advancements
  • innovative
  • initial costs
  • global challenges
  • resilience
  • sustainability
  • knowledge dissemination
  • opportunity cost
  • poverty alleviation
  • balancing funding priorities
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