Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many individuals would rather keep their lifestyle constant,
others believe that changes reflect only positivity. I fully agree with the given statement because people have to
their lives during various time periods in order to improve it. Undoubtedly,
is a fundamental part of people's ability to achieve their goals throughout their entire lives. To exemplify,
according to
the Washington Post article, an average Olympic athlete transforms his body by 76% from the point when they begin their intensive drills.
is a clear sample of how the power of
works. As a rule, people begin their career path from their weakest professional state and start to
themselves, physically and intellectually.
, modern facilities and opportunities
as gym memberships, educational institutions, and courses serve as the best possible way to do it.
is an essential action in our lives in order to perfect ourselves.
, constantly unchanging
can be a main cause of
stagnation. To serve as a clear example, the research of Harvard University students revealed that in 16% of depression cases, the root of
disease is a lack of progress in their lifestyles. Repeating the same activities daily can lead to monotony, where
feels dull and uninspiring.
causes a lack of motivation and enthusiasm, making it difficult to stay engaged with work or personal interests.
kind of lifestyle may cause other mental and physical issues.
To conclude
, it is obvious that an exciting and joyful
, provides a lot of opportunities, with changes surpassing the other side with a huge superiority. Experts recommend living a routine which will never be regretted.
Submitted by Umar on

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task achievement
Your essay presents a clear response to the task prompt, but it could benefit from further elaboration on the viewpoint of those who prefer a constant lifestyle. Providing one or two additional reasons why some individuals might resist change will create a more balanced discussion.
coherence cohesion
While the structure of your essay is clear and logical, adding transition phrases such as 'On the other hand' or 'Likewise' at the beginning of paragraphs can improve the flow even more.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear and engaging introduction and conclusion. These sections effectively encapsulate your viewpoints.
task achievement
The main points in your essay are well-supported with concrete examples, which strengthen your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • status quo
  • stagnation
  • routine
  • comfort zone
  • predictability
  • specialization
  • innate
  • personal growth
  • adaptability
  • fast-paced
  • new horizons
  • equilibrium
  • progress
  • dynamic
  • transformation
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