Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects of adult life. How in your view can individuals best learn to manage their money? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In life, children start acquiring skills in their early years. They start learning from their parents and later on, the circle expands to include friends and schools. Learning to manage spending
is one of these basic skills that young people need to practice to master .
essay will highlight the two main ways and provide relevant examples as well. The ultimate main source to learn
skill is parents.
, parents teach their kids in a direct and indirect way how to spend and how to save, what is worth buying and what to consider west of
For example
, a child regularly witnesses his father when he makes the payments of electricity bills and the rental payments and he accompanies his mom when she checks the house expenditures and checks the prices before she buys any items.
practices give an indirect illusion of the importance of managing
in life. The other important method to learn
concept is the school.
curriculums teach
skill within subjects. Students are usually given tasks by which they need to have a good plan to sell and buy to save
or even to fund a project.
a way enables the student to discuss and think of a practical way to improve or even preserve their financial account. a clear example of
point is the small fares in schools, where kids are given assigned tables to run a small project of their choice to earn
so they buy something they need or even chip in with their friends to finance a school project.
To sum up
, the aforementioned ways are the most effective methods, from my own perspective, and for certain as people grow up their responsibilities increase and their priorities change and as a sequence, people improve, day after day, their own ways to manage
Submitted by nawartomry on

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introduction conclusion present
Strengthen the introduction by clearly outlining your main points.
logical structure
Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single main idea for more effective logical flow.
relevant specific examples
Expand on your examples to provide more detailed support for your points.
complete response
You provided a complete response to the question, addressing both key sources for learning money management.
relevant specific examples
Your essay includes relevant and specific examples that effectively support your main points.
introduction conclusion present
Both the introduction and conclusion clearly present your main argument and summary.
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