Some individuals think that all
should have the freedom to continue working no matter how old they are
others think there should be a limitation on working ages for
after 65. Personally, before giving my opinion, I would like to discuss both views in more detail in
, it is thought that individuals should be allowed to continue working regardless of their age because it contributes to the increase of workforces in societies
decrease the burden of finance for retired organizations.
, in developed countries,
as The US shortage of labour is a significant issue and they must hire employees from developing countries and underdeveloped countries, like, Vietnam, Thailand, Lao and many more.
, the regulation of retirement is 67
old in America partly helps to solve labor shortage issues.
regulation not only helps pension funds to reduce expenses but
increases the amount of money tax that each worker over 65
old contributes to the government.
, others argue that
over 65
old should be prevented to continue working because they have both physical and mental health problems,
as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, memory loss and much more .
, it will be easy to suffer injuries in the process of working. To illustrate, If those who are over 65
in a sales department, they will not have enough health to stand and convince customers for hours. In terms of manual labour
as building, the elderly will be easy to fall down or dizzy if they
outside and under sunny.
, nowadays, employers require employees the particular knowledge of technology, and
seems that workers after 65
old are outdated and unsuitable because the lifestyle of the elderly makes them are not interested in technology.
, their eyes and bones have problems so they can not sit and stare at the screen for long hours.
, to ensure the safety of
and properties, we should avoid letting individuals after 65
old continue working.
In conclusion, some believe that
should be allowed to go on to
at all ages because it helps to address the shortage of labour problems
to reduce the burden of retirement payments.
, I believe that citizens after the age of 65 should be banned to keep on working because their health is not only unsafety at
poor productivity.