In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad In their holiday. Do you agree or disagree ?

Travelling to various districts is one of the human beings' old habits which is inherited from previous generations to new ones. There is a perspective which proposes that in the next years,
will just take domestic
and foreign travel will not be opted for their holidays. I disagree with
notion and
argument will be discussed in the following paragraphs. In the beginning, exploring and finding novel locations
along with
their features are an intrinsic action in humans;
have a tendency to go to other countries and become familiar with their new cultures, customs, languages and food; these subjects can not gained by local
, for going to other states , There are some other pivotal reasons
as communicative objectives and personal developments.
In other words
, by international
can acquire pieces of information about other nations' successes, progress elements, administration methods and modern technologies; obtaining
data will not only assist
in their personal development
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but will
bear significant virtues for their own country as individuals will transfer and exert
knowledge in their national land. earnings of the international tourism industry,
, are one of the most important income supply of many countries.
, if a substantial fall occurs in tourist numbers, many states will be faced with economic issues. obviously, attempts to engross
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have increased from some decades ago; surely, these
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will be more developed and effective in the next decades. Expenses of accommodations, food, transportation actions, shopping, and visiting monuments are some instances of spending money by foreigners in other countries,
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action which excessively assists the economic system. In conclusion, some believe that in the next decades, individuals will decide to take
in their own territories rather than having international travel, the idea which I disagree with; travel to other regions will benefit both individuals and their country.
Submitted by shaghayegh95shadman on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • domestic tourism
  • international travel
  • cultural exchange
  • national pride
  • affordability
  • convenience
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • local businesses
  • comfort zone
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