It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for music and sport, and others are not. However, it's sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both ideas by giving your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

The nature-vs-nurture debate concerns whether a special
as music or sport is innate from birth or gained by lots of training. Each side of
debate has valid arguments to support their perspectives; here I will discuss both views and provide a balanced framework to think about
issue. On the one hand, common knowledge states that special talents
as sports people and musicians are born with innate abilities to excel in their areas.
For example
, Ronaldo, the famous soccer player, was found to have the intuitive capability to move his eyes precisely to predict his opponent's next movement, which allowed him to maintain the ball on his legs for nearly the entire five minutes of the experiment. Indeed, musical or motor skills are developed early on during the
's brain development;
, they can be discovered and
trained when the
is at a young age.
might explain why innate ability is a significant factor in deciding whether the
becomes successful in his area.
On the other hand
, the nurture point of view states that a supportive environment and proper training are what a
needs to become an athlete or artist. Take Ronaldo
for instance
again. Even though he might have special talents in soccer, he can not continue to reap success if he does not repeatedly receive good training. Another example is Mozart who was said to have more than 700 pieces of composed music, starting from a very young age to the day he died.
, even with a gifted
, it takes hours of deliberate practice for a promising
to transform
seed into a blooming flower. In conclusion, I believe that children can show certain strengths in some areas
as sports and music at a young age,
giftedness needs a nurturing environment to become a real
. With
insight, school teachers and parents might provide children with ample opportunities and an enriched environment so that they can explore their potential areas of interest sooner.
Submitted by phamthithuytien.pd on

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Make sure to fully develop each argument with more in-depth analysis to strengthen your position.
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To improve coherence and cohesion, consider using more varied linking words and avoiding repetition of examples.
coherence cohesion
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps guide the reader through the argument.
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Relevant specific examples, such as Ronaldo and Mozart, effectively support the main points of the essay.
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The essay does a good job in presenting both perspectives of the debate and providing a balanced view.
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