The rise of convenience food has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. What are the advantages of this trend? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Without a doubt, society is split into two factions based on various people's mindsets. One school of thought believes that today's fast-paced life needs convenience
, others refute
statement. Both the benefits and drawbacks of
thought will be analyzed before a reasonable conclusion is drawn. Initiating with the best possible benefit, which is frozen
, is easy to cook.
type of
stays longer because it has some preservatives. Nowadays, everyone is busy in their life and work, so they do not have enough time to do other chores and make lunch or dinner. That's when fast
comes into the equation because it saves time.
For example
, workers buy breakfast from Tim Horton or Burger King before going to work.
, every fast-
chain delivers
at home, which is the most comfortable thing one can have.
On the other hand
, fast
has some negative effects on our health as it contains preservatives, which are not good for our bodies.
In addition
, consumption of
increases health issues
as obesity, and blood pressure.
For instance
, In India, the FDA found lead in Maggie noodles a few years back. The concentration of lead should be under a certain limit , but
was not the case for Maggie. Individuals do not notice these things in early life. When they came to know about
, it was too late to take any action. In conclusion, convenience
offers flexibility and saves time , but there are
health issues associated with that.
has a plethora of merits and demerits, the merits exceed the demerits in my opinion after analyzing both views.
Submitted by vishaljangrala94 on

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