Your friend has a travel company and would like you to come and work with him. Write a letter replying to your friend's offer. In your letter: explain what you know about your friend's company choose whether you accept or decline the offer give reasons for your choice Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ..................,

Dear Jay, I hope you are doing well. I got your mail and was surprised after reading that you are offering me to join your company and
with you. Because of your dedication to the
, now your travel business has expanded in
Change the article
the whole
show examples
state and has
Correct word choice
a large
show examples
customer base.
, I come to know that, you are planning to add other foreign tour packages which would boost the business rapidly in terms of more clients and money. I am accepting the offer that you have given me and it would be
Correct article usage
a great
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
opportunity for me to make my career with you
Correct word choice
show examples
growing business would get me everything that I dreamed
Change preposition
show examples
To add to it, I am not earning well in
Correct pronoun usage
my current
show examples
job and even not
Correct subject-verb agreement
show examples
future growth, so it is better to
with where I will enjoy your company,
and life growth. Reply
Change preposition
to me
show examples
as soon as possible and arrange our meeting, so we can discuss more about
topic. Best wishes, Ankit
Submitted by ap064911 on

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coherence cohesion
Try to divide your letter into clearer paragraphs to improve readability and ensure each paragraph focuses on a single idea.
task achievement
Consider providing more specific details about the role you are accepting and how your skills fit into the business to strengthen your response.
task achievement
Your writing tone is friendly and appropriate for a letter to a friend.
coherence cohesion
The closing of the letter is nicely done with an invitation for further discussion.
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