Scientists predict in the near future, car will be driven by computers, not people. Why? Do you think it is a positive or negative development

In modern times, information technology plays an integral role in our daily lives, significantly impacting our homes, work environments, and even transportation. Some researchers forecast that unmanned automobiles will become popular in the future. In my view,
will bring more benefits than harm.
, the reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs alongside the advantages of them The principal reason for
is that technology ought to optimize a wide range of aspects of daily life
as cost in business, learning environment, and standard of living.
convenience will bring technological products to serve human purposes, and the emergence of autonomous
is a natural
For example
, Tesla is one of the most successful corporations in the self-driving
industry. They launched driverless
, which use artificial intelligence in real situations. The
's camera identifies things like lane markings, pedestrians, vehicles, signs and traffic signals and after that, the
's processor will handle it as proficiently as the driver.
is a testament to its potential in the future In my point of view, the benefits that unmanned
bring to the economy and individuals are undeniable. Traffic accident which is a widespread concern, are one of the leading causes of death. Meanwhile, autonomous
are calculated and controlled accurately by autopilot features .
, traffic participation will be safer and more orderly.
, technological breakthroughs are likely to boost economic
. In the transportation industry, Cutting driver costs will increase profits for the company. The growth of driverless taxi companies is a huge progression ,
for instance
service not only brings customers reliability but
makes colossal profits. In conclusion, technological advancement is mainly the motivation for autonomous
and I believe that its new inventions can create a contribution to the economy and individuals
Submitted by midden-02.tore on

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