The diagram illustrates the habits of people's coffee and tea buying and drinking in five different cities.The data shows the percentage of humans who bought fresh caffeine, instant one or went to cafes for hot drinks in the past four weeks.
, visiting coffeehouses was the most popular activity in most cities, Linking Words
purchasing freshly prepared beverages was the least common.
Linking Words
, the average percentage of individuals who bought coffee is 37%, to be more precise it is around 43% in Sydney, 42% in Melbourne, 38% in Hobart and there is only 34% in Brisbane and Adelaide, which is the smallest scale. It demonstrates that people do not like to purchase freshly made drinks. Linking Words
, instant ones are used more often. Linking Words
, it is 45% in Sydney, 47% in Melbourne, 53% in Brisbane, 50% in Adelaide and 44% in Hobart.
A frequently used purchase option is to drink drinks in establishments. It is 60% in Sydney, 55% in Brisbane, 50% in Adelaide, and 63% in Hobart and Melbourne it is the highest point on Linking Words
graph. Went to a cafe is more convenient than other options. It is not always possible and pleasant to make cappuccino by yourself.Linking Words