It is argued that living far away from their hometown is a better option for university students than living with family during their academic life. I agree with
idea because living independently from their parents has many benefits for young people who are studying at university.
First of all, generally, students have a limited budget to manage their living costs for each month so that they have a chance to learn to spend their money wisely. If they live at home with their family, they do not have any responsibility regarding governing economic issues at home. Living far away means being full of responsibilities Linking Words
as; paying rent of the house and bills. Linking Words
For example
, as a student, I do not have any regular income which is why I should work in a part-time job to provide my basic needs to survive Linking Words
I am studying at Linking Words
so I am preparing to live more disciplined about economic problems.
Use synonyms
, usually, young people, who live at their home with family members, do not have many duties Linking Words
as; cooking and cleaning. Living far away includes more responsibilities in terms of basic daily routines. Parents often think that their children should focus on lessons Linking Words
he/she is studying at Linking Words
. Use synonyms
On the other hand
, Linking Words
life is not full of academic issues.
Use synonyms
To conclude
, living far away from parents means many mandatory tasks. All Linking Words
student should live Use synonyms
inevitable opportunity to obtain new experiences; Linking Words
as managing their money, cleaning, and cooking.Linking Words