Technology has changed the way people interact. It affects the types of relationships that they make because of the constant connectivity and the diversity of people they can speak with. I think that it is a negative thing because it reduces social skills and makes contact very superficial.
Nowadays, the population is always connected by the Internet,
is to say, technology. In consequence Linking Words
Change preposition
, individuals can exchange messages for a long period of time, wherever they want and whenever they want, formerly, Linking Words
was not possible. Linking Words
In addition
, they are able to speak with people from all around the world and the message arrives instantly despite the distance between these two individuals. Linking Words
For example
, a study from the University of South Carolina found that 80% of long-distance relationships are maintained thanks to Linking Words
instant exchange of messages.
Even if the manner of interaction between human beings has evolved, it is not a positive thing. In fact, it reduces your social skills, when you talk behind a screen, you do not know the person's reaction, so you are less shy. Linking Words
makes it much harder to say things in person. Linking Words
, it makes the contact very superficial, speaking things face to face makes you understand the other person more and allows you to deepen the conversation. Linking Words
For instance
, a renowned psychologist named Mitch Martin, states that 75% of humans Linking Words
are used to speaking using technology, Correct pronoun usage
it becomes more difficult for them to interact with others.
Correct word choice
and later
To conclude
, computers have made our interactions as humans evolve and change Linking Words
different manners, Change preposition
, it is not always a positive evolution.Linking Words