IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The rapidly developing world has had a substantial impact on the way we live now. Besides this, due to the progress and medical breakthroughs, life expectancy has exceeded those of our ancestors. From my perspective, soc
It is certainly true that remarkable developments in the fields of science and technology have changed drastically living environment and prolonged the average life expectancy. Therefore, it is the optimum time to live i
Over the past hundred years we have seen rapid developments in various aspects of sociology, chemistry, physics, medicine, communication and mechanics. Our forefathers could have only dreamt of these drastic improvements
It is true that technology and science and other developments have transformed the way we live, making it much easier than before. Some people believe that we are living the best time of mankind, However, I disagree with
It is known that in a century science and technology have improved the way humans live and relate. In my opinion this is the best time to live, and this is due to the fact that all these advancements allow people to have
It is generally acknowledged that there has been numerous advancement in science and technology as well as many other areas in society in the last century, which extends the life-expectancy by changing the way we live. T
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