IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most young aged into their 30s pushing them to become dependent on their parents of the rising value of housing. This current situation is more drawbacks to the young community and especially to their parents.
Most young aged into their 30s pushing them to become depending to their parents since the rising value of housing. This current situation are more on drawbacks to young people and especially to their parents.
In recent decades, violence in movies and on televisions has been inspiring some fear among the public due to its implications for the community. Some people believe that the authorities should impose censorship on such
Housing is one of the essential requirements to cruise through the life. Due to the burgeoning rates of it, many youngsters are compelled to stay with their parents. According to me, it is much more advantageous to live
Proliferating cost of living is being noticed recently which is undoubtedly forcing many adults to settle down with their parents in their adulthood. To my mind, this wave of change is bagged by humongous benefits keepin
Nowadays, the cost of living is soaring to a great extent. As a result, a majority of young individuals are living with their parents into their 30s without much option. I believe there are more drawbacks than benefits t
In many countries around the world, accommodation has become less affordable. Due to this price surge, many young people are now having to remain in the family home until they are past 30. While this extended period of h
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