No doubt, having children is important decision in everyone's life. However, these days most people take decisions to have baby in their later age as compared to past. This essay will going to explain the the reasons beh
In recent years, the decision to give birth on the later stage of many families has become more and more popular. This happens due to a series of reasons and the consequences are both pros and cons. In my opinion, I lay
The increasing number of people who had made their minds to postbone to have children than previous generations had became so due to the increasing pressure of work loads that corperations lay on them as employees. Of co
Delayed childbirth is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular. A lot of people are beginning to have children later in life than what was previously obtainable. Yhr major reason behind this is the fact that people
In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. Some explanations for this social trend is considered that career, changes in social belief, women empowerment, escalating livi
Nowadays, an increasing number of people has their children in a later age tan people from past generations. It is agreed that having children at a later age can provide a couple with more maturity and stability. Therefo