IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Improving globalisation has caused to mainstream all kinds of news in different societies. This essay will discuss the importance of news to the population, why the most of broadcasters edit bad news. And finally,should
Improving globalisation has caused to mainstream all kinds of news in different sociaty. This essay will discuss the importance of news to population, why the most of broadcasters edit bad news ? and finally, should thos
Many people consider news to be a vital part of their routine. The primary function of the news is to help people keep abreast with the world events and current affairs. This essay will discuss the importance of news to
Nowadays, news is the vital part in everyone's life. Although news plays the major role because everyone get know about all the circumstances in all over the world by the service of news. However, some news presented som
Coverage of recent events, and its reporting is mandatory these days, moreover they are essential for the majority of the people. There are manifold reasons for their importance, although it has been observed that some o
Nowadays, news has become a significant part of many people’s Lives. By providing updates about the current events happening throughout the globe, news has gained great importance. Although the news media focus more on b
Nowadays, news has become a significant part of many people’s Lives. By providing updates about the current events happening throughout the globe, news has gained great importance. Though news media focus more on bad new
From time immemorial till date, news have played an important role in human lives. This essay will discuss the importance of news to people, why nedia houses gives bad news and the reasons for a shift to expressing good
News has a lot to do with human's lives. Importance of the news is mainly because it's the most authentic source of information. But even though news is more engaged with bad news, focus on good news may increase people'
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