Nowadays, news has become a significant part of many people’s Lives. By providing updates about the current events happening throughout the globe, news has gained great importance.
the news media focus more on bad news, owing to high ratings; I believe that equal importance should be given to the good news as well.
Since time immemorial, news has always been of great significance to the people. It provides information about the various incidents occurring across the nations and keep individuals updated with the latest knowledge. Linking Words
For example
, news provide us the information about the social, the economic and the political issues of the country, and the steps being taken to address them.Linking Words
, news form the basis of one’s perception that motivates them to work. Linking Words
, to gain insight of the society or the nation we are living in, news plays a crucial role.
With the onset of competition between media houses, news dedicated to the bad or horrific aspect of life is telecasted more often. The main reason for Linking Words
trend is the TRP that determines the popularity of a media channel by counting the eyeballs viewing their programs. Linking Words
, humans tend to remember horrific scenes for longer duration than good, pleasing moments, and television channels exploit Linking Words
nature of persons to earn profit. But at the same time, media channels should Linking Words
focus on the news about the good events happening around us. Linking Words
For instance
, telecasting the work of an NGO aiding the rescue operation of flood survivors motivates individuals to spread the cause and generate donations for the financial assistance.
In conclusion, there are so many things, good and bad, happening around us and being aware about these is vital for surviving in the society. Linking Words
, news should not be biased and all kinds of news should be given equal weight age on media programs.Linking Words