IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One of the most debatable issues in the last decade has been the davantages of plastic money over traditional money. Some people think plastic money is superior to traditional currency, becuase it is convinient and fast
What are the significances of learning language of the country where tourists plan to visit? Several people that knowing the language of the host country has many benefits; however, others think that this is not req
Electronic transactions are gradually replacing the traditional banking system and bank currency is being supplanted by credit and debit cards. The transformation is taking place slowly but steadily and widespread. The p
Electronic transactions are gradually replacing the traditional banking system and the use of bank currency is being supplanted by credit and debit cards. The transformation towards a cashless society might be slow, but
In the contemporary era, people like to carry credit and debit cards rather than a wad of cash. This is increasingly becoming favored among masses due to a myriad number of reasons. This essay will discuss how credit and
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