IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In these decades, people are more concern about education. Education is trusted as a weapon for most people to have better lives. There are some other benefits we can gain from education through attending universities as
Universities and colleges are the best source of learning, but people attend educational institutes to equip them with latest knowledge in their area of interest or to learn the diverse culture of different students and
As today’s work environment has already become highly specialized, graduating from university is a prerequisite to even be able to compete in the job market. Still, the outlook for better career opportunities is certainl
At present, it is sometimes thought that people attend higher education owing to many different reasons, such as new experiences, increased knowledge, career preparation, etc. In my opinion, I think that people ought to
Universities and colleges are the building block of society. Almost every great person emerges out of them after getting nurished and polished by well qualified teachers. In modern world, people have different reasons to
There is no doubt that the education plays an important role in one’s life. However, different individuals undertake graduation and post-graduation courses for various reasons. The following essay will explore some of th
People primarily enrol in a college or university to achieve the necessary education and degree they require to build a career. Apart from the career, people seek higher studies to gain knowledge, to enhance social statu
In today's world knowledge is the wealth, the source of the knowledge acquires through education. People are getting smart to choose carrier with their interest and joining the colleges related to the course. Olden days
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