IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Public libraries can be considered as a haven of knowledge. It is like a home where lovers of books, knowledge, and research go to immerse themselves in their habits and meet other like-minded people. Due to technologica
Nowadays public libraries lose their importance due to the increasing popularity of online libraries. There is a view that public ones will no longer be accommodated in buildings because of this reason. This essay will d
availability of books in online stores has become increasingly popular in the digitilalization world.public libraries are in danger with the popularity of online education.this essay will discuss the positives and negati
Books play an important role in our lives. It is one of effective ways o f learning. Libraries are one of best places where we can find a collection of various type of books. However, now a days libraries are not limited
With the advent of technology, several things in our society have changed. One of the most glaring alterations has influenced public libraries. To be precise, all premises tend to close on the strenght of e-books. This p
It is evident that the explosion of Science and Information technology has revolutionized every aspect of this world. Apparently, it has made it very easy to access any information within seconds. Due to this fact, it i
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