IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the era of continuous scientific and technological developments, art-related works such as musicians, painters and authors still gain a lot of respect from the public. This is because we can have a deeper understandin
In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can art tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
Art and artists have always been respected from centuries. Even in this modern era, a greater emphasis has been given to artists across the globe. This essay will discuss why there is such a huge respect towards artists
Artists play a major role in improving the values of ourselves. In this modern world, There are few things which we can learn from arts rather than advanced science. In this essay I will explain the some values of arts.
The modern world opens many opportunities for humans. Sciences and technologies are developed a lot, it gives humans knowledge about another planet like Mars, but it cannot give information about human emotions. Therefor
Artists have long played irreplaceably crucial roles, which cannot be performed by scientists or technologists. Two such roles will be the main concern of this essay.
The modern world opens many opportunities for humans. We have more chance to get in touch with contemporary science and technology. At the same time, societies also respect and appreciate people doing art such as artist,
In the modern world, although the scientific and technological advances become dominant, we still pay attention to people who work in the arts field such as musicians or writers. The reason is that arts can teach us vari
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