IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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According to some, the millions spent annually on government-funded space projects would be better invested in addressing urgent issues on this planet. Although there are undoubtedly many problems on Earth that need tack
In the ultra-modern epoch, technology is proliferating on a daily basis. However, it is an argued issue whether the regime spent a colossal amount on space research or other masses say that a plethora of issues are still
Public funds are precious and should be expended wisely. The Earth is facing numerous issues which need to be addressed therefore, each country should focus more on solving these problems despite investing in research r
After the end of World War II , the Space exploration has been associated with the a very complex scientific advancement of space race between soviets and americans. The one of the reasons for soviet disintegration was o
I am in total agreement with the statement. Apropos of the statement, very expensive space research programs are straining the government budget, jeopardising essential and more pertinent issues like education and health
The spaces have become one of the most interesting things that people are doing their research for. Not only the organisations who look for it, but also the government. So, in this essay I agree that governments are spen
In today's scientific world, a myriad of wealth is allocated on scientific inventions and researches. Space exploration is a key area where governments in many countries are spending billions of dollars each year. Althou
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