In the modern era, there are a lot of opportunities for doing work. Some nations spurred teenagers to do part-time jobs and argue it is a good thing. While Some assert that they should not be encouraged. Personally, I am
Adolescents are encouraged to do part-time job in some countries, while the situation is opposite in others. In my opinion, the former is more sensable, because part-time job can cultivate a teenager's view of independan
In our overall live period, being a teenager might be the most excited part. Though, many argues that teenager should spend their spare in useful ways like doing a part-time job, while, other believes that children shoul
It is a widely held belief that teenagers should be allowed to do part-time jobs. But there is a strong counter-argument amongst the section of people that teenagers should not focus on such kind of irrelevant jobs. Howe
Earning money is one of the most basic causes behind a learning. Therefore, when it comes to working while studying, different people have different aspects. Many a country counts it as a part of overall development of a
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned that teenagers need a part-time job, however, some others do not want adolescents to go to work early. In my opinion, getting a part-time job when students are still
Recently many countries believe that work part-time is beneficial for younger generation for their better future,however,others against to this argument as teenagers should focus on their studies.In my opinion, I strongl