IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is irrefutable to state that economic progress has a profound impact in measuring the success of a nation is calculated in terms of economic growth such as GDP, whereas the rest of them admit that other factors such a
Opinion has been divided on whether or not the economic growth of a nation is the only factor to determine its success. Although I accept that the economy is an extremely significant aspect that every country should pay
Opinion has been divided on whether or not the economic growth of a nation is one factor to determine its success. Although I accept that the economy is an extremely significant aspect that every country should pay atten
There are a variety of perspectives about which are the crucial factors that can be used to reflect the prosperous nation. While I would agree that economic progress is a useful method to assess a country, I contend that
Success of the nation is measured by the country's financial growth, as believed by some. Whereas others might believe that there are other crucial contributing factors that define success. Apart from economic progress,
There are certain determinants on the basis of which country’s achievements can be evaluated. Although, some would consider financial growth solely a key of progress, there are other aspects which result in success.
Some people argue that the economic development is the only factor that could determine how a nation grows and changes. However, I believe that there are many other essential factors measuring this success.
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