IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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First of all, it is undeniable that some people believe the main reason for success is hard work also determination however, other people think factors like money also personal appearance are also important and one of mo
It is inevitable that most of people are aiming succed. Although some people believe that the main factor in success is hard working and determination, others think that money and personal appearance is the main point. I
in regards to accomplishment, any person has their own opinion some think that being a hard worker and making a lot of affords can lead to many achievements but others think being wealthy and having a good appearance are
Few individuals believe that the primary reason for success is hard work and determination whereas others think that some more factors such as money and personal appearance are also significant to achieve a life goals. E
There is a heated debate concerning the factors of success. Some are of the opinion that the key factors are efforts and resolution, whereas others believe that there are other crucial factors like looks and fortune. In
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