IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The provided table shows information about the number of individuals using social media in five different European countries in percentages, and the average expenses of online shopping per person in euros.
The given bar and pie graphs illustrate the internet usage and average spending on online shopping in five categories, namely Germany, Sweden, France, Spain and UK. Units were measured in forms of percentages and euros.
The given bar graph illustrates the number of people who utilize the Internet in 5 different countries while the pie chart shows the rate of money spending on shopping on the Internet per person in 5 different communitie
The given bar grapg illustrates the number of people who utlize the Internet in different 5 countries while pie chart shows the rate money which spent on shopping on the Interent per person in 5 different communities.
The Bar chart depicts the percentage of people utilizing the Internet in five different countries (Sweden, the UK, Germany, France, and Spain), and the Pie chart displays the rate of money allocated by people to shop onl
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