The chart desplays the percentage of people using internet, and the pie chart shows the avarage of spending on shooping on the internet in different countries

The  chart desplays the percentage of people using internet, and the pie chart shows the avarage of spending on shooping on the internet in different countries
The provided table shows information about the number of individuals using social media in five different European countries in percentages
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and the average expenses of online shopping per person in
, what stands out from the gathered data is that the new technology was predominantly used by Sweden and UK citizens,
British users spent a notable amount through the internet. The statistics of Sweden and the UK online users represented 35 and 20 per cent respectively, taking the first and second places. German internet lowers stood at 15 shares, followed by France whose figures accounted for 10%.
, with 5 portions only, Spain became the least popular country in terms of Internet usage. Online customer shares were noticeably accumulated in the UK, making up to 87
per person.
, Sweden's shares were slightly less than the former, levelling up to 76.
, France and German online retailers attracted consumers at the level of 57 and 46
per person in turn.
, the smallest section was left to Spain, with only 10
per buyer.
Submitted by gainutdin87 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words euros with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "stands" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Percentage
  • Internet usage
  • Online shopping
  • Spending
  • Average
  • Comparison
  • Trends
  • Correlation
  • Insights
  • Countries
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