IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, the advent of technological innovation has shaped the way children use their free time. This essay attempts to shed light on both the merits and demerits of this tendency before concluding that I am
Whether technological improvements transform youngsters' passtime or not is an essential issue of public concern and debate. Although there are several pros and cons with regard to these changes, I will argue that the me
With the prevalence of technology in our daily lives, it's no surprise that children are spending more and more of their free time using digital devices. While there are some benefits to this trend, there are also some
Nowadays, new technology has played an important role for kids to spend their free time. Many people believe that technology could help the boys and girls learn new ideas, while others don't think so. There are persuasiv
Unwary young viewers is being easily swayed by captivating technology such as;computers,mobile phones and television,which has altered their development and quality of life. On the whole,the latest technology has changed
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