How are you? It was great to hear from you. Thanks so much for inviting me to your birthday party next Saturday. It sounds great, and 'd absolutely love to come, but unfortunately l've already arranged to do something el
I hope this message finds you well. I’m so grateful for your invitation to your birthday party, and it means a lot to me that you thought of including me in your celebration. Unfortunately, I’m really sorry to say that I
I am writing hope letter finds you well and good mental, I just now read your email and fill of email you invited me attend to your birthday party, however, I could'nt attend in your birthday celeberate.
I am writing to thank you for the birthday present that brought back childhood memories for me. I must express my gratitude for your generosity, as the present is handmade. Consequently, it is exceptionally unique for me
I'm very sorry, but I'll not be able to attend your birthday party next week due to work commitments. I know I had said earlier that I'd join but unfortunately, some last-minute schedule changes at work made me cancel my
How are you? I'm doing great. It was great meeting all my friends last week at my birthday party. I was busy all next week and couldn't get time to open my presents until yesterday. I was surprised to see an Apple watc