Working in the 21st century is immensely facilitated by the emergence of the World Wide Web.
has made Linking Words
from the comfort of one’s living space a possibility. I believe the pro's outweigh the con's. Use synonyms
essay will discuss the many benefits of working from your own house. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, touch on the easily manageable drawbacks.
On the one hand, one’s Linking Words
outcome is enhanced when they are comfortable. Alternatively, Use synonyms
set up stimulates creativity and hard Linking Words
because when one is in their comfort zone they have decreased stress levels. Use synonyms
, stress is directly related to decreased productivity. Linking Words
For example
, I find that I attain better exam results when I am relaxed in my residence studying from my room as opposed to studying in a library or working space. Linking Words
, through Linking Words
set up, the inconvenience of transportation is eliminated. Linking Words
is because, some people spend hours commuting back and forth every day. Regardless, with the ease of communication and requirement for just a wifi connection, the need for transport is deemed unessential. Linking Words
, time wasted on travel is substituted by actual Linking Words
and productivity. Use synonyms
For example
, from personal experience, my job was a two hour commute away from where I lived and I found that if I stayed at home and performed my task I would be more accomplished.
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On the other hand
, a negating effect of all these great positives is that face to face interaction is diminished. Linking Words
results in a sense of detachment from the workplace. Linking Words
, Linking Words
loss of interaction leads to mis-communication and distance between employer and employee, which is essential in ensuring a functional, cooperative working environment. Linking Words
, Linking Words
could easily be overcome by great online applications Linking Words
for instance
, Facetime and Skype, which allow the user to virtually communicate through the web, with more than one connection at a time.
In conclusion, I believe working from home is more advantageous as it facilitates people to flourish in the workforce through the eradication of modern day barriers Linking Words
as difficultly travelling to and from the workplace. As well as, the amplification of talent through eradication of stress. In the future, working from where you live should be an available option at all business’s.
Linking Words