Inspite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case?what can be done about it?

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Despite the progress seen in agriculture, a lot of individuals still starve and the reason for the problem is increasing population. In order for this to be effectively resolved, the government should enforce family planning for all citizens in a state.This essay will expatiate on these, and illustrate with relevant examples To begin with, so many people still find it difficult to eat the required meal for a day, and the major reason for this over population.Even in developed countries where they indulge in mechanized farming and mono cropping, many still lack food owing to the reason that the population is continuously increasing and is beyond what the state can handle or control.For example, in Nigeria, the population growth rate has sharply increased within the last five years,rising by 10% every day.This means that when the population is large and growing, there will be scarcity of a lot of items with food included. However, the government has to put in place measures in order address this problem of starvation. One significant way of reducing this is enforcing family planning on all residents and citizens of a state.This will help to reduce the number of babies born and subsequently lower birth rate. Another approach to this problem, is to establish strict immigration policies so that illegal immigrants cannot get access to a particular country. Doing this will ensure that the population growth rate is checked and controlled, thus resulting in less scarcity of food items for consumption. For example, in the US, the government is proposing to construct a huge wall which will prevent illegal immigrants from neighbouring countries from entering the country.This measure will also aid in decreasing population size, which will in turn reduce hunger. In conclusion, even with the advancement of agriculture,people are still lacking food because of over population.In order to solve this, government should compel citizens to carry out family planning and promulgate stringent immigration laws.

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