Education is a key to unlucky the future of any society. The weapon of a nation for substanability rely solemnly on the level of the education of her citizens. Nowadays, some individuals believe that people have right to university Education and that the government should make it free irrespective of their financial status. I strongly disagree, and I think Education should not be free so as not to have the privilege abused and I believe some nationals should diversify to trading so that the government can divert the resources meant for such people to other things such as infrastructure and social amenities.
On one hand, people should have right to university Education so that every citizen can operate at the same level and also reduce the level of crime in the society. The rate of crime in a country will drastically reduced to the bearest minimum if everyone in a country is well Educated, and the government can make it free to give access to as many that crave to have university Education. The revent reserch shows that the government of Canada has made all level of Education free for her citizen, consequently reducing the level of crimes in the country.
On the other hand, Everyone cannot have a university Education. In some developed nations, the economy is thriving well because of the way the system is being structured. For a nation to be developed, there is a need for some people to practise trade rather than everybody being educated, this mentality would give room for the government to divert the resources forvtye free Education on improving the standards of living of her people.
In conclusion, no economy can survive without diversity. I strongly believe that university Education should not be free in order for people not to abuse the opportunity and that the people in authority can divert the money to benefits the economy.