Some people believe that universities should make sports a compulsory module on all degree courses as rates of obesity are getting higher and higher. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

, which is a condition of being overweight, is a rising concern for many people. Some people are of the view that by incorporating sports in all degree courses will help reduce
. In my opinion, I somewhat agree with the idea of making sport compulsory, while I
believe that there are other factors that need to be addressed.
To begin
with, making physical education classes a must in different degree courses will help people to remain fit. Nowadays people are getting overweight due to the increase in the sedentary life habits.
For example
, children and young adults spend more time playing video games and staying indoors,
of playing any sports.
module can encourage people to participate in various physical activities, which can help them to lose weight.
, there are
reasons for the increase in
, many people have poor eating habits. Because fast food is readily available and cheap, people tend to eat it rather than going for healthy alternatives. If fattening products are made expensive, people might switch to nutritious food.
, some people are genetically prone to be overweight.
As a result
, they cannot control their weight, but they can take some precautions to prevent weight increase.
For instance
people should balance their diet and perform regular exercise. In conclusion,
making sports a compulsory module will somehow help to decrease the
epidemic, while other factors should
be kept in mind. If all the factors are equally addressed,
rate will reduce.
Submitted by Nithya on

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