has become very necessary in everyone's life as it teaches everything required for modern human to live happily. There are a wide variety of sources to get educated like schools, internet and
from older people.
, some people believe that the information from family is more important compared to that of from schools. To some extent I agree with
point of view and In
essay I will explain my opinion with supporting examples.
from schools is very much informative and deep. What I mean by
is that the concepts delivered from teachers are in order and explanatory, they know very well what to teach their students.
grade student will be taught basic spellings and not high level maths. Everything they follow have a definite structure and are well proven. The Information is not only about reading books, students get to know more about the outside world and they happily participate in a wide range of external activities.
exposure they will get to know what they should do when they grow.
, they
get certified when they pass the exams.
help children to select the appropriate field of study
as engineering or law when they leave school.
On the other side of the argument,
from family is restricted to the experience and discipline. If a family has some skill which is not found anywhere,
helps their members to get excelled. Take poetry,
, It is a skill and can be transferred from the family. There are many skills like art and the agriculture which people get only from their elders. Apart from skills people
can learn the values and traditions of the family, which are not completely taught in the outside world. If children rely only on these teachings they completely lag in the modern world where science and technology are key players.
In conclusion,
from family is very important as they teach values, customs and traditions, but it should not be the only source. The school provides different concepts in a structured manner and are well documented and graded. I think a mix of teachings from school and family is required to balance modern problems and old skills and customs, but the concepts from schools overweigh family teaching as they provide a wide range of academic and increases exposure.