Nowadays, the public concern about environmental impacts increases dramatically. Some people say that the main environmental issue is the disappearance of particular species of plants and animals. While others indicate that there are more significant environmental problems. In the scope of
essay, the two views will be discussed in details and I personally agree with the Linking Words
There are reasons why many kinds of plants and animals are in danger. Linking Words
of all, deforestation has increased at an alarming speed. Millions of trees have cut down so that there will be more space for agriculture. Linking Words
, a large number of valuable species of plants disappeared. Linking Words
, fishing too much reduces a considerable amount of sea creatures. Linking Words
For example
, blue whales have hunted brutally in the past decades. Researchers estimated that there were few thousands of them left on earth.
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, there are more environmental problems we are facing. Foremost, climate change threatens every nation. Linking Words
For example
, the weather is difficult to forecast now. Droughts and floods happen regularly and they have a strong impact on agriculture. Linking Words
In addition
, icebergs are melting quickly in Artics. As the result, sea level is rising and affecting a large number of the costal cities around the world. It is said that there are many cities will be under water in the Linking Words
In conclusion, I personally believe that there are more significant environmental issues than the loss of particular plants and animals. Specifically, we are successful in protecting several plants and animals which are in danger by setting up conservation centre in various parts of the world. Linking Words
, deforestation and rising level of the sea are more vital.Linking Words