Keeping the wild animals in zoos could be perceived as immoral by some people, While others think zoos play an important role in understanding the ecology and entertaining the people. In
essay we will discuss both the perspectives.
Keeping animals in an enclosed surrounding is considered as inhuman and cruelty to animals. Animals are naturally wild in nature and needs to be in its natural habitat for a safer and healthier life. Linking Words
For example
, a caged and fed lion would behave very differently from the wild one in the forest. Linking Words
enclosure may deprive the animals from movement and the required survival skills. As an example, when animals are fed it loses its ability to hunt for food and adapt to the various conditions in the wild. Some animals live as a group and exhibit different behaviour when raised in a Use synonyms
. Use synonyms
In addition
, animals like zebra, deer live as herds and separating it in a Linking Words
may impact its health. Once an animal is moved into a Use synonyms
it becomes very difficult to introduce it back to the wild.
Use synonyms
, Some think it is a necessary to have some animals in a Linking Words
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, It helps us in understanding how the animal behaves with other animals and in a simulated environment. Linking Words
For example
, How would a zebra behave with certain buffalo in close proximity. Linking Words
, Animals that are close to extinction needs to be saved by breeding in a closed environment and introducing it back to the wild. Linking Words
, The Linking Words
is required for entertaining children and educating children. For some, it may be the only experience with animals.
In conclusion, There are merits in both the views. Use synonyms
, the advantage in having zoos over weighs the disadvantages. In future it could be a way to save the rare animals and preserve the diversity in the wild.Linking Words