Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

It is argued by some that parenting skills should be included in the curriculum in every school. In my opinion, I believe that teaching students the qualities of being a good
can be useful in various ways, where they can learn the essential qualities that mothers and fathers should have
as patience, attention and communication. Educating and training the young generation, especially in high schools can be advantageous for the future.
, preparing the youngsters for the real life is one of the school's main responsibilities.
In other words
, motherhoods and fatherhoods is a stage which most of individuals will face, where they are accountable in raising their children wisely to have an effective and productive society.
, teaching the young parenting skills will increase the chances of them being good and responsible parents.
, giving the teenagers a taste of the responsibility that comes along with being a
, will indirectly spread a fear among the young, leading to some to be more aware and responsible during their sexual relationships.
For instance
, schools in the USA who enforce parenting courses to their students have minor rates of pregnant woman dropouts. Being a good and responsible
involves having several skills.
To begin
with, newly parents undergo into lots of stress in order to understand what their babies need.
, being patient is a vital skill in raising a child.
, good communication skills are
essential to have a both healthy relationship between parents and their kids and to protect the youngsters
. To put it differently, an open line of communication between parents and their kids ensures children seeking to their
's advice about unwanted situations. In conclusion, educating the young generation about parenting skills can be beneficial for the short and long run. Where they will gain the skills needed to be good parents and employ them on their children in a clever way.
Submitted by jys004ielts on

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