Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community. Others prefer to give money to national or international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Today poverty is
Poverty today is
still on full display anywhere in the world, even from the sparkling and vibrant streets of Los Angeles, or to the less glamorous district of Mumbai city. In the fight against poverty, help is at hand.
, a bone of contention remains whether people should directly support the underprivileged or give their donations to charities.
essay will look at
issue from both perspectives. There are clearly justifications for why some funders would rather help the poor by themselves.
of all, help is given instantly as there is no paperwork, no collection, no delivery involved. It would
mean that no
is lost
the pockets of corrupt government officials.
of all, it has been found that a considerable number of recipients of aid programs spend
on children’s education or
health care
, rather than alcohol or cigarettes.
, development can be easily promoted.
, the idea of giving cash directly to the poor is
treated with
doubt about the truth of something
by many people who
suggest that
or any other type of donation should be given to charity organisations. Their main argument is that for the people whose lives have always been devoid of material possessions or
, knowing how to manage the financial aids is out of the question. There are many cases that poor people use the
to start businesses;
, bankruptcy is imminent due to their lack of knowledge regarding financial management. For
reason, charities, which can distribute the funds in a more effective way, prove their prominent roles in improving living standards of the impoverished. To conclude, I am inclined to think that giving
to charities is a better way to end poverty as it deals with deeper causes of the issue in the long run.
Submitted by lulaluclacfamily on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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