Shopping centres play a major role in fulfilling people's daily needs. Nowadays, the increasing number of customers does their purchasing in malls, because of which small sellers are shutting their business.
essay will discuss why the growing number of malls has revolutionized the way people purchase, despite having some troubles for some local traders.
Local merchants are struggling to compete with the shopping experience that highly sophisticated malls provide. These sellers are not just fighting to attract new customers, but Linking Words
loosing regular customers who used to buy groceries and vegetables from their shop. Buyers are refusing to borrow from these shops where cost is slightly higher than the commercial centres for the same product. Linking Words
For example
, a latest report depicts that more than 60 percentage of local shops are shut in the Linking Words
5 years in Mangalore city, after the opening of 2 luxurious plazas. These demerits are causing the sudden disappearance of the local markets.
The majority of the purchasers experience the unique and the efficient way of buying goods from marts. Linking Words
, it will have the wide variety of shops Linking Words
as clothing, food and electronics. Linking Words
, these centres provide discounts and return facility if the customer is not satisfied with the quality of the product. To illustrate, the LifeStyle, a clothing merchandise allow regular customers to exchange the product even after 45 days from purchasing in one of the marts in Bangalore. Admittedly, advantages are plenty in Linking Words
system of buying items.
To conclude, these days people want to purchase the best possible products in a very convenient manner. In my opinion, overall, shopping plazas have done more good to the society than harm, in spite of the fact that outdated small traders are facing loss of revenue.Linking Words