It is often argued that entertainers are more influential and prime characters of the society by many people.
, I believe that scientists have greater importance than entertainers.
Linking Words
, scientific people invent new technology to improve the quality of human Linking Words
. What I mean by Use synonyms
is that the new things discovered by them mostly ease the daily Linking Words
of mankind as tend to use them. Use synonyms
, they always think about the difficulties of humans and animals and try to invest more time and energy to bring the change. Linking Words
For example
, the invention of aeroplane saved lots of time for travellers as they Linking Words
used slow means of transportation. Linking Words
, they always try to improve the efficiency of existing systems. Linking Words
That is
why scientific people are role models of the society.
The Linking Words
reason is that most of the scientists risk their Linking Words
in developing medicines that are harmful or hazardous. Use synonyms
In other words
, there are many deadly diseases in the world that are transmitted to a human body even through a touch. Medical researchers often have to deal with Linking Words
kind of situations, where they should not think of their Linking Words
, in developing a solution. Use synonyms
For Instance
, during the deadly outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa, many doctors have risked their lives to treat them. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, they often encounter new challenges like the danger from the harsh chemicals in the labs or from the financial burdens if they fail. Linking Words
, these difficulties prove that they are more important to the society.
To sum up, Linking Words
entertainers are more popular for their daily shows, Science people are the principal figures of the world. It is their courage and interest to discover new technologies are the reasons of why they are in the front position.Linking Words