The official ruling monarch, needs to shut down organizations, which produces toxic components into the environment, and, lacking waste clearing services within, to save the environment. I agree in
regard that, most of the industries today, are currently working in an illegal manner, causing serious damage to the climate. Linking Words
, these companies are encouraged by the legally appointed inspectors, which ignore the actions of entrepreneurs.
On the one hand, Governments are planning to boost the economy of the nation, which is leading to the development of private industry, and causing exploitation of the ecosystem. To illustrate, several pharmaceutical enterprises, release tons of poisonous materials into the river banks. Linking Words
As a result
, damaging ecosystems, and, destroying natural habitat, of the birds, and the fishes. Apart from that, these elements Linking Words
combine into the open atmosphere, which react with atmospheric gases, and, Linking Words
reaches into the human respiratory system, leading to severe diseases, and Linking Words
death. Linking Words
, Linking Words
sequence of events needs to be controlled efficiently to protect the biosphere.
Linking Words
, In spite of the rise in employment opportunities, and country development towards progress, It should be necessary to keep a limit to an extent. Linking Words
For example
, The legal bodies, and the officials, are required to take the steps, allowing only few limited areas to construct their multinational empire, at a specific location away from the society, and Linking Words
the community. Linking Words
In addition
to, a separate waste management system. Linking Words
helps to save, by balancing the surroundings, and Linking Words
helping the citizens to consume the toxic free air, and to live a happy life, for both the adults, as well as, the toddlers.
Linking Words
, In conclusion, I conclude that, Despite of the trails by making the political territory developed, necessary measures need to be taken, to protect the hemisphere, and Linking Words
balancing the human life, and the animal life. If it is not followed up immediately, It will forward to form consequences, which are harmful for both the world, as well as, the unions, affecting future generations.Linking Words