Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks. Do you think that the advantages of social media is outweigh the disadvantages.

Social media users are increasing all over the world, and it seems that social media users might have select to share their personal
with anonymous people, which might put them in peril. With the varied amount of social apps it is becoming hard to avoid using them, and
significant rise in the number of social media users could have benefited.
, sharing culture, people now are capable of learning and understanding other cultures, sharing
about the nature of the culture could be a major assist for those who are about to move to another country.
, online purchasing, the ability to purchase anything from anywhere.
For example
, a certain kind of fruit can only be found in one place that it is hard to reach, people now can have it with no endeavour.
On the other hand
app normally requires a personal
to sign in,
could be hidden, but some people select to expose their own
.Mostly, for attention, or sometime Untrusted people can use
for bad purposes, as stealing by detecting houses locations.
In addition
problem, the free access to
app might be unsafe especially for children.
For instance
, they could face a problem as boils. In my point of view, I agree with the notion that the positives of social media are outbalance the negatives.If people become more careful about sharing their
and parents is monitoring their children, we can overcome some of the problem.The advantages of social media are huge and cannot be ignored. In conclusion, Social media could be beneficial or harmful depending on the reason for using it.
Submitted by asd43214321asd on

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  • take, for example

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